Use FlowDingo Taskflow in the Jira Board

Open FlowDingo Project


Create a task & Select Taskflow

  1. Create or open an existing issue in the Jira board

  2. Click the Taskflow button

  3. Select a Taskflow for the issue



  4. The selected Taskflow is assigned to the issue


Update work progress

  1. Change status of steps according to status of your work. Note that subsequent steps are locked for status change until the predecessor is completed.


View Taskflow progress

The Progress bar is automatically updated as your steps are completed.


Collapse & Expand Taskflow section

Use Collapse and expand actions to show and hide the Taskflow




Remove Taskflow section

Select Remove in the Actions menu to remove the Taskflow section from the issue. Select FlowDingo Taskflow button to add the Taskflow section again. This will not affect the Taskflow state.




Clear Taskflow

You can clear the currently selected Taskflow from a task. Any progress will be lost and you will be able to select a new Taskflow.